New Sense

The Color Of The Season – Scarlet…

Image by Red~Cyan via Flickr

I have been watching Formula One for about eight years now. During this time I have truly supported two teams and two drivers.

The first of the driver-team combos I followed was the Schumacher-Ferrari combination. Then in early 2003 I switched to AlonsoRenault. At the time I truly believed that only Alonso could step up and challenge the master, two years later he was the champion.

In the following years Alonso moved to McLaren but my loyalty always remained with Renault. He returned to Renault in 2008 and I was happy to see my favorite driver in my favorite team. Now after two years Alonso is moving to Ferrari, this time though my allegiance switches with him :)

I cant remember a season of Formula One I was more thrilled about. The return of Micheal Schumacher has only added to the anticipation for the next few months. And today was the launch of the new Ferrari F1 car! An event that served only like a trailer to the blockbuster that this season is going to be.

Something truly special is on the cards this year :)