New Sense

Avatar – Movie Review

[rating: 4]

Maybe I should have written this post immediately after watching Avatar. It has been a few days since I watched Avatar, but I think that actually helps coz the whole experience had its time to sink in.

If you are reading this wondering – Should I watch Avatar?
The answer is an emphatic – Yes, but only in 3D.

Avatar isnt just any ordinary movie, with it taking 14 years to make, it is nothing short of an extaordinary experience. The visuals and effects simply take your breath away. While too much effort is put into the effects, they seemed to have over looked more than a few basic requirements.

The lack of a solid story means that the 160 minutes of running should be torturous without the 3D effects to distract you once in a while. The predictability of the story is overcome only by the unpredictability of what the next scene is going to show. The lack of relatability to the characters and the fine thread of emotion that suddenly explodes would be very hard to digest if that was the main basis of the film.

Acting wise the movie had a lot more promise than what it delivered. The CGI probably makes it very hard for the actors to express themselves and the 3D leaves you in too much awe to see the performance of the actor. Personally I feel, this movie was not designed to get too many actor nominations at the oscars.

So is Avatar any good?
Avatar is a groundbreaking movie that will change movie making forever. There will be critics on both sides but its success will ensure more such movies are made and thats the way forward. Watch this movie coz it marks a milestone in the history of film making. Watch this movie coz its worth every penny of your ticket money.