New Sense

Going Semi Friends Only…

After a lot of deliberation I have decided to make parts of my blog private. I have really enjoyed sharing a lot of my personal thoughts over the years directly to the world but now things are very different than when I started out.

With the sudden escalation of interoperability between different online mediums, I find my blog being accessed via different sources. This is both a good and bad. Good, coz I now get a larger section of people reading my entries and bad, coz I dont have much control of who is reading what. Ironically the situation is very similar to people reading my blog directly on the site or via RSS feeds. The only major difference being that in the latter I know that the person had intentionally come to my blog or had subscribed its feed. Anyway the decision has been a while coming and I dont see any better alternative than this.

So what does it mean to you?
If you read my blog via Livejournal and I have added you as an LJ friend, congrats you dont have to do a thing :)
If on the other hand you have been reading my blog via the website or RSS feed(Bloglines/Google Reader ect.) then you need to do a bit of work :( You can one of the two options:

1) Create a Livejournal account and add me as a friend.
When I add you back, you will have access to my friends only posts but via your friends page (ie,

2) Use OpenID to log into LiveJournal. This will spare you the effort of creating a new account as you can use your Blogger/Flickr/Wordpress or any of these accounts.
After you login to Livejournal goto and add me as a friend. When I add you back, you will have access to my friends only posts but via your friends page on Livejournal.
(Msg or mail me if you have any problems, I will be very happy to guide you)


Anyway, I will continue to write publically viewable content on my blog. Things like my movie reviews, general talk about my life, photography ect will be viewable by all.

I will try this method for a while and see how it works out…