New Sense

X-Men Origins: Wolverine‎ – Movie Review…


I am not a huge fan of the X Men series, so the biggest motivating factor for me to to watch this movie was Hugh Jackman (and the ease of getting tickets and timing of the movie :P ). I personally consider Hugh Jackman to be one of the most versatile actors in Hollywood. He is not one to shy away from new and different roles… Most often he does a lot of justice to the characters he portrays. Given that Wolverine‎ was still disappointing.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine‎ is a prequel to the X-Men series. As the name suggests it explains the origins of Wolverine‎ and Victor(Wolverine‎’s brother). The movie starts out with the sequence of events that lead to Logan discovering that he is a mutant. Soon he and his brother Victor(also a mutant) are forced to fend for themselves. Many years later they meet William Stryker who recruits them for a mission. The mission brings out the dark side of Victor and its upto Logan to stop them.

What works in the movie is the special effects and dialogues. There are some good fight sequences and well written exchanges. What disappoints is the story that I felt was pretty weak and varied a lot in pace. Some of the funny moments seem over used and some really good characters make a blink and miss appearance. All in all I felt this was a couple of notches lower as compared to the other xmen movies.