New Sense


Sometimes when your thoughts and motives are not focused there are things that happen that leave you wondering about how things work. You wonder how random things seem interconnected and if all this is a part of a bigger script.

Off late there have been too many coincidences happening around me. Some seem like fluke occurrences but some simply left me amazed.

One such thing happened a few weeks ago at the script writing class I am attending. There is a bit of history involved here so let me start from the… well ‘the start’. Last Christmas(2007) a friend of mine gave me “Fermat’s Last Theorem” as a gift. This is a book I had been looking forward for about a year or so to read. Ironically I only ended up picking the book to read only a few weeks ago.

The book is simply brilliant and considering the documentary with the same name and by the same author/director ended up winning the Pulitzer, so I wasn’t expecting anything less. The narration and the stories of the people and their dedication to mathematics was truly beautiful beyond words.

In the first few meetings at the script writing class, we were given a few scripts to read. One of them had to do with the life story of Ramanujum. The script talks about the life of Ramanujum from when he arrived in England until his death.

Everything seemed normal till I realized that one of the characters of the script was none other than Fermat himself! I was pretty amazed to find two pieces of writing I was reading to converge like that. But that wasnt all… I happened to watch this documentary about rare parts of physics and maths. That too touched similar topics and people as those in the two works.

Now if this happens once, you can brush it off and move on. But this kind of convergence of ideas has happened multiple times over the last month. Sometimes its movies or tv shows that point to things that are a major part of my life at that moment, sometimes its as odd as strangers with whom conversations drift away in that direction.

If you know me well, you would probably know that I believe in Signs. Lot of times I have made decisions based on random signs and they were almost always right.

Its not about the book or Fermat, this series of coincidences are pointing at something else… I am slowly beginning to believe that something big is right around the corner…