New Sense

Unsaid Stories…

In the past year there have been a couple of incidents that happened that I wanted to write about but was unable to. Sometimes I never had the words, sometimes I was just plain lazy to put down my thoughts. The following two are such incidents. Incidentally they involve doing something sweet (one for and one by me).

Incident I
A few weeks ago I was going to catch a movie with my parents and realized that we were going to be about 15 mins late to the theater. I messaged the friend that recommended the movie to me asking if the first 15 mins of the movie was ok to miss. Next thing I know she calls me up and narrates to me in detail the whole first 15 mins of the movie.

Now her narration was really good, almost as if it was her who wrote the screenplay of the movie but I was so surprised by it that I had no idea what to say. Oddly that was one of the most surprisingly sweet things anyone has done for me in a while.

Ironically we reached about 25min late but the narration helped heaps :P I actually loved the movie.

Incident II
This time for my mom’s bday I decided to do something special for her. So when she had gone out to a wedding with my dad and sis, I walked up to the nearby cake shop and picked a bday cake and on the way back picked up this huge bouquet of flowers. Now my mom loves flowers… she simply adores them. Give her a few and you will be directly in her good books :P

For me it wasn’t something great but when mom walked in to find the bouquet, she literally screamed. I hadnt seen her this happy in such a long time. She even told me that this was the best thing I have ever done. I got smothered for the next few days… actually she smothers me all the time so this was not a add on (sue me I am a momma’s boy :P )