New Sense


“Wait a second, something is different about you… Did you stop wearing glasses!”

“Oh my god! you finally did it!”

*scream* followed by more *screaming* (that too at a busy restuarant)

“huh… ahh I see the difference”

“Why? but why?”

“Ahh… kids, they need to keep changing something about them”

“You look so different… I can hardly recognize you”
(My response: “Damn! I knew I should have robbed that bank before doing this”)

“You look smart”

“You looked so much better with it”

“Ahh great… Now you will get girls” (Me: WTF?)

“Oh my god! you look like you lost 10 years”

“I cant look at you like this… why would you do that to your self”


The MOST commonly asked question

*wispering* “Tell me, what or who *wink* convinced you” (my response)