New Sense


Its hard to stay away from an event that changes a billion lives in a moment. Its hard to be cheerful and to convince yourself that the worst is probably over as you watch an icon on fire. Its had to see images of innocent victims, brave people, shattered dreams… and not be engulfed in an aura of suffocation.

And the moment arrives where you question the basis of what is right and wrong, What drives people and what would have happened to you if you were in their place…

I don’t have answers to those questions, nor will I pretend that I can logically analyze what has happened over the last couple of days. What I do know for sure is that, this will change everything… Paranoia and panic is already evident but its not even the tip of the iceberg.

My mind hurts as I look into the future, but the one fact we all will realize very soon is ‘Life will go on’, over the ashes of those that laid down their lives for the protection of this country humanity. We may not be the same people we were before this happened… maybe we will change for the worse or for the better.


“a date which will live in infamy”- F.D.Roosevelt