New Sense

How to Grow a Thicker Beard

In this guide, we’re going to discuss how to grow thicker facial hair faster and how to fix a patchy beard.

A common issue for men growing a beard

The beard has long been associated as a symbol of virility and masculinity. Although leaders are often clean shaven in the contemporary world, it is now becoming commonplace to see perfectly manscaped beards take center stage as an extension of a modern man’s style. Check out this cool website where I always find shaving tips and kits.

The Benefits of the Beard

If you’re wondering how to properly grow a beard, be sure to check out our in-depth guide.

If your beard isn’t coming in the way you would like it to, keep reading.

Dalton Gullo, 21, is growing out his beard as part of No Shave November.

Your Beard is Not “Patchy” – It’s just growing

Most men cut their growth short when they start noticing that parts of the beard are coming in thicker, or if parts are just patchy or not growing in at all. Believe it or not, this is completely normal. Your beard isn’t patchy. It’s just growing.

Beards take some time to grow in. If you’re not quick to grow a consistent beard, it’s best to start growing it just before going on vacation, when you can justify not shaving for a while. You may even decide to take a “beardcation” just to help grow out the beard without looking awkward at the office. If you have holidays coming up, stop shaving a day or two beforehand; hopefully by the time you return to work, the beard will be distinguishable as a beard, and it won’t look like you were too lazy to shave.

The First Month of Not Shaving

For most men, beards only start to fully connect without glaring patches after a full month of growth. That’s the average, though for some it may take longer.

This is why a beard is a commitment. Growing it out takes patience and some work. You’ll be dealing with a few issues:

  1. Patchy and unkempt facial hair that looks like you just forgot to shave.
  2. Itchiness.
  3. Coarse hair your significant other may dislike.
  4. Having to deal with people commenting or staring because you look a little rough around the edges.

As soon as you start growing your beard, there are a couple of things you should consider doing to keep it healthy:

  1. Wash it regularly. Keep it hydrated, but don’t over-wash the beard. Just like your hair, it doesn’t need to be washed daily, or you run the risk of drying it out.
  2. Immediately begin applying beard oil to keep it soft, prevent excessive itching and keep it healthy.
Growing a beard takes commitment and will grow out eventually

After the first month has passed, you have two options. Either commit to growing a beard that might land you on Duck Dynasty or start grooming the beard to look more polished. Grooming can be done from the start, but the risk of starting too early is that you won’t have the chance to see how your beard falls along its natural lines. This can be problematic for some men who misjudge how their beard will grow, and then have to grow out an area they have trimmed or shaved. Looking for quality grooming products? Look no further.

If after the first month, you still notice glaring patches or a lack of density in certain areas, you may need to give it a bit of extra help. There is good news, however. If you have trouble growing a full beard easily, chances are you don’t have to worry about going bald. Studies have shown that most men who easily grow beards from a young age are more prone to male pattern baldness than men who have difficulty growing a beard.

How to Help Your Beard Grow

So, how does one grow a beard that’s giving you a hard time?

Let’s debunk some myths.

It is a process to get it to a comfortable length

Your Beard is Not Growing Slowly

Your beard actually grows at the same rate as every other man, unless you have some kind of skin condition. Check these Grooming tips on how to make a beard look professional for a working man

The Patches Are Caused By Thickness, Not Length

There are a couple of attributes that cause some beards to look denser and others to look patchy.

Fact: You cannot make your beard grow faster, but you can make the hair appear or even grow thicker.

Start trimming after about four weeks

Here are a few tricks and tips:

Don’t Shave It

Shaving a beard does not cause it to grow back thicker or faster. The only way to grow a majestic beard is by actually making the commitment to let it grow. You’ll get there.


Exercising and losing weight increases testosterone and blood circulation which both have a huge effect on facial hair growth. Short, but intense workouts will cause testosterone to increase faster and will also prevent it from declining. Testosterone and beard growth go hand in hand, so head to the gym and break a sweat to see thicker beard growth.